Chown, Eric; Nascimento, Fernando. Meaningful Technologies. How Metaphors Shape the Way We Live and Think. Lever Press. 2023.
Co-editor (with Walter Salles), Ética, Identidade e Reconhecimento na obra de Paul Ricoeur [Ethics, Identity and Recognition in Paul Ricoeur´s Works]. Editora PUC-Rio & Ediçoes Loyola 2013) (in Portuguese).
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Hayton-Ruffner, Dylan, Fernando Nascimento and James Broda. 2022. “Concept Detection in Philosophical Corpora.” Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 12(1): 2, pp. 1–28. DOI: http://doi. org/10.16995/dscn.8106
Chown, Eric; Nascimento, Fernando. “Software Metaphors.” In Interpreting Technologies. Eds. Cockerlbergh, M., Romele, A., Wessel, R. Rowman &Littlefield. 2021.
Crystal Hall, Eric Chown & Fernando Nascimento (2021) A critical, analytical framework for the digital machine, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 46:4, 458-476, DOI: 10.1080/03080188.2020.1865659
Bullock, Belecia, Nascimento, Fernando, Doore, Stacy. (2021). Computing Ethics Narratives: Teaching Computing Ethics and the Impact of Predictive Algorithms. Proceedings of the 52st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM SIGCSE 2021. Virtual Meeting. March 13-20. (peer reviewed)
Cooper, Allison, Nascimento, Fernando; Francis, David. "Exploring Film Language with a Digital Analysis Tool: the Case of Kinolab." In Digital Humanities Quarterly. Eds. Taylor Arnold, Stefania Scagliola, Lauren Tilton, and Jasmijn van Gorp. 15.1 (2021) (peer reviewed)
Nascimento, Fernando. 2020. “Technologies, Narratives, and Practical Wisdom.” Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies.