Q: Who is the insurance carrier for the Bowdoin Student Health Insurance Plan?
A: The plan is offered through Anthem and the provider network utilized is the Blue Choice PPO Network.
Q: What is covered by the Student Health Insurance?
A: The plan covers physical exams and specialty visits ($20 copay), diagnostic testing (10% coinsurance after $100 deductible is met), advanced diagnostic imaging ($50 copay per visit), prescription medications (tiered copays – $10/$45/$75), rehabilitation therapies, inpatient hospitalizations, and many other services.  Please make note of excluded services on pages 10 and 11.
Q: If I waive the student health insurance, can I still use Bowdoin’s Health Services?
A: Yes. All enrolled students may use Student Health Services.  Keep in mind that any blood work or cultures we send to the local laboratory will be billed to your insurance company by the lab. You will want to confirm that services provided by NorDx will be covered under your plan in order to avoid out of pocket expenses.
Q: If I waive the student health insurance plan my first year, will I be required to complete a waiver my remaining years at Bowdoin?
A: Yes. You must complete a waiver each year you are enrolled at Bowdoin College.
Q: What happens if I lose my private health insurance coverage at some point during the year?
A: If your family's coverage changes due to a change in employment, or some other change in circumstance, you can enroll on the student health insurance plan. Note, premium charges are not pro-rated. Please use this link to initiate the process.
Q: Does the insurance coverage continue through the summer months?
A: Yes. The insurance provides annual coverage, effective August 15th through August 14th of the following year.  It also provides coverage while on break or on a study abroad program.
Q: If I am studying away in the fall or spring, can I purchase insurance for only one semester?
A: No. You may not purchase the insurance for one semester only. In order for us to maintain low premiums, the single semester option is not available.
Q: What happens if my insurance plan changes during the school year? Do I need to complete the waiver process over again?
A: No. A change during the plan year (August 15th through August 14th of the following year) does not require a new waiver form.  However, we do ask that you provide us with updated insurance information as soon as possible so we can accurately provide this information to local, off-site providers.  Any updates can be emailed to chayes@hitchedhike.com.  

Q: If I need an emergency supply of my medication, who do I contact for an exception?
A: If your medication has been lost/damaged or if you are travelling and need to refill your prescription early, please contact CarelonRx at 1-833-267-2133 to determine whether or not an override of your benefit allowance is available.
Q: Does the student insurance plan have dental coverage?
A: Routine dental coverage does exist under the plan through the end of the month a student turns 19. Further, every student enrolled on the student health insurance plan is also enrolled in a free, dental discount program, UNI-CARE Dental Savings Program. This is not dental insurance but it does provide reduced costs for services near campus and nationwide. For more information, view this flyer or call 800-252-3059.
Q: Does the student insurance plan have vision coverage?
A: Routine vision coverage does exist under the plan through the end of the month a student turns 19. Further, every student enrolled on the student health insurance plan is also enrolled in a free, discount vision plan through Coast to Coast Vision Savings Program. This is not vision insurance but it does provide reduced costs for services near campus and nationwide. For more information, view this flyer or call 800-252-3059.