Field Experiences

Several education classes at Bowdoin incorporate a field placement as a core part of the course.
These field placements provide our students with an opportunity to participate in a classroom environment as both observers and participants. We also count on our students to add a valuable extra set of hands to support our wonderful local school teachers.
Student teacher at table with student
Students are currently placed in schools throughout Southern and Midcoast Maine, and encompass rural, suburban and urban settings and grades Kindergarten through high school. Placements are made under the guidance of school administrators, department heads, the Education Department faculty and the Field Placement and Outreach Coordinator.

Currently, field placements take place as part of the following courses:

  • Education 1101: Power and Dilemmas in U.S. Education (3 hours)
  • Education 2203: Educating All Students (24 hours in a middle school)
  • Education 3301/3302: Teaching and Learning/Curriculum and Development (at least 36 hours in a secondary school subject related to their teaching content area)
  • Education 3303: Student Teaching (14 week practicum)
Additionally, a few students each semester conduct independent studies with a significant field placement component.

Questions regarding any aspect of the field placement or outreach programs may be directed to Cassie Jones, Field Placement and Outreach Coordinator.
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