Learning Assistant Program

Enrich your classes with the partnership of a student Learning Assistant.
Esther Fernandez Rosario and Professor of Education Doris Santoro
Esther Fernandez Rosario ’23 and Professor of Education Doris Santoro

What is the Learning Assistant program? 

Learning Assistants are students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) who work directly with peers in courses. Learning assistants have often taken the course previously, though they may not currently be enrolled in the course, and are frequently majors/minors in the department/program.  

Learning Assistants meet regularly with the course instructor and collaborate on the design of and reflection on student learning.

Learning assistants perform following tasks:

In class sessions: 

  • Facilitate discussions  
  • Monitor class participation  
  • Lead small group activities  
 Out of class: 
  • Review and offer feedback on assignments, rubrics, Canvas design, and other course materials    
  • Lead study groups  
  • Lead exam review sessions 
  • Provide one-on-one support 
  • Offer feedback to students on coursework; small assignments, drafts, etc. 
  • Lead a mid-course student feedback survey 

Learning Assistants will NOT:  

  • Be enrolled in the course  
  • Be employed in First-Year Writing Seminars (FYWS) 
  • Be graders, research assistants, transcribers, office assistants, technical assistants, lab assistants, theater technicians, or equipment managers; these roles are hired by academic departments