Enrichment Grants

Enrichment Grants

The DCS Program is pleased to offer Enrichment Grants to students interested in furthering their study of digital artifacts, computational methods, and their histories, applications, and impacts. Priority for funding is given to DCS coordinate majors and minors, however all students currently enrolled in DCS courses are invited to apply. Funds are intended to support participation in DCS-related conferences or workshops. The Enrichment Grants are generously supported by the Clark Fund. 

Students may apply for funds to cover travel, off-campus food and lodging costs, and conference or workshop fees. Awards range from $50 to $500. Individuals may receive a maximum of one award per semester. Conference and workshop dates must be during students' regular enrollment at the College (i.e. not after graduation). If a student receives funding for conference and workshop participation from another source, the student is expected to decline the DCS award unless the other funding source is required to fully fund the project. 

Application Deadlines

DCS Enrichment Grants are due on the last Monday of the Month from September through April. Complete grant applications should be emailed to the Program Coordinator, Monica Gallego (m.gallego@hitchedhike.com). Applicants should attach application materials to an email and list their last name and "DCS Enrichment Grant" as the subject of the email. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

How to Apply

  1. A narrative proposal (500 word limit):
  • the topic of the conference or workshop and any particular session that is relevant
  • the student’s role in the conference or workshop
  • the significance to the student of participating in the conference or workshop
  • the dates of the conference or workshop
  • an indication of the DCS faculty member(s) the student has talked to about this trip
  1. A detailed budget that clearly lists and explains the expenses for which funds are requested. If you expect to request or receive funding from another source, please detail which expenses will be covered by the DCS Enrichment Grant in distinction to other sources.
  • identifying other funding sources to which the student has applied, and other funding sources that have been awarded for the travel.

Complete grant applications should be emailed to the Program Coordinator, Monica Gallego (m.gallego@hitchedhike.com). Applicants should attach application materials to an email and list their last name and "DCS Enrichment Grant" as the subject of the email. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Reporting the Results

Students awarded DCS Enrichment Grants should write a short report describing their conference or workshop experience. This report must be submitted to Program Coordinator, Monica Gallego (m.gallego@hitchedhike.com) within two weeks of returning. Students are encouraged to include images related to the project.

Criteria for Selection

  • Quality of the proposal
  • Conference’s significance and relevance to the applicant’s academic career at Bowdoin

Students who cannot attend the conference or program should contact the DCS director to discuss what portion of the funds should be returned to the program. Students who fail to submit their reports will be expected to return award funds. Failure to handle money and reports appropriately may impact the student’s ability to receive future funding from the College.